Caring for Aboriginal Children

The Caring for Aboriginal Children Cultural Curriculum is intended to highlight the value and importance of culturally safe homes for Aboriginal children and youth. This training is two– 3 hour digital modules geared toward foster families and highly recommended for adoptive families. This training is user friendly and the facilitators are built in to the entire curriculum. This module is based on the Saskatchewan Cultural Component and was created and produced in Saskatchewan.

Course Duration 6 hours
Course Delivery Self-Directed, Online
Course Provider Saskatchewan Foster Families Association
Course Type Self-Directed, Online

Children are in the best position to thrive when they have a sense of cultural identity and connection to

culture. In the spirit of cross-cultural awareness, this curriculum provides a taste of the history, traditions

and the richness of the Aboriginal people of Saskatchewan. The Curriculum has captured, on film, the

beauty of Aboriginal culture and its rich history through:

  • Interviews with Elders, child welfare workers, foster parents and youth;
  • Several cultural activity demonstrations, which can be seen throughout this training module;
  • Vignettes provide examples that include helping caregivers to resolve some of the more common issues
  • that they may have to deal with. Some of these include:
    • Boys with braids
    • Connecting children to relationships with extended family
    • Helping children and youth become involved in cultural activities and events

Also included are activities caregivers can do right in their own homes such as beadwork and baking traditional foods such as bannock with a recipe for oven-baked bannock included for caregivers to use. 

Course Details

Course Type: Self-Directed, Online
Duration: 6 hours
P.R.I.D.E. Levels of Pay:
Recertification Required:
Provided by: Saskatchewan Foster Families Association
Training Type:

Upcoming Events: Caring for Aboriginal Children

No upcoming course events at this time.

Related Courses

Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Component

The Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Component is intended for future foster and adoptive families to highlight the value and importance of culturally safe homes for Indigenous children and youth. It provides an introduction to the history, traditions and richness of Indigenous people and their diverse culture. The Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Component was created in Saskatchewan with collaboration, consultation and approval of Elder representatives from all of the First Nations Communities in Saskatchewan.

Caring for Aboriginal Children

The Caring for Aboriginal Children Cultural Curriculum is intended to highlight the value and importance of culturally safe homes for Aboriginal children and youth. This training is two– 3 hour digital modules geared toward foster families and highly recommended for adoptive families. This training is user friendly and the facilitators are built in to the entire curriculum. This module is based on the Saskatchewan Cultural Component and was created and produced in Saskatchewan.